The Sun Tarot Card Meaning

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What is the meaning of The Sun in a reading?

The appearance of The Sun in your reading is a great sign. This card is all about fun, warmth, optimism and success.

It tells of a great time in your life. All your projects are successful and the people around you really appreciate and respect you.

You seem to accomplish everything you set your mind to, with little effort.

When The Sun appears in a reading it indicates you are becoming enlightened.

You find a better understanding of the things in your life and are attaining a new level of insight on matters that were bothering you.

The Sun is a card that brings you joy and happiness. You are feeling invigorated, energized and radiant. You are having the time of your life!

When The Sun appears in your reading, it is time for you to think about taking a vacation and experiencing different things.

the-sun-tarotThe Sun in an Upright Position

If in your reading The Sun is in the upright position it indicates that things in general are very likely to be going very well for you.

The Sun is all about self-confidence and creativity, so you should start on that project you were postponing for so long.

It will surely be a success.

An upright The Sun card brings wellness, vitality and energy in your life.

If you have been going thru a rough time, this card brings the message you have been waiting for. Things will get better!

If looking for an answer, the apparition of The Sun in upright position can suggest a “yes”.

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Work and The Sun card

The appearance of The Sun in your reading indicates that your career is on the right track.

You are bursting with confidence; know what you worth and that you can succeed.

People around you are appreciative and have a lot of respect for the work that you have done.

If you are unemployed rest assured that the job you are looking for is just around the corner.

Just keep up the positive attitude, exude self-confidence and everything will be OK.

The Sun and Love

When The Sun shows in a reading you can be sure that your love life will flourish.

You are full of energy and vitality and people around you seem to be drawn to you.

If you are in a relationship, it is time to take some vacation time.

Put on some shorts and go away with your loved one to a tropical beach and just enjoy time together.

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Finances and The Sun

The finance department seems to be much better than the usual. The positive outcome of your projects may have rounded up your bank accounts.

It is a time to celebrate, but don’t overspend. It is always best to keep some pennies on the side for the dark days.

Health and The Sun card

As said before, you are going through a high energy and vitality time in your life. Everything is going well physically as well as mentally because of your positive attitude.

This is a great time to go to a vacation and just enjoy life.

The Sun in Reversed Position

If The Sun comes in a Reversed position in your reading, there is no need to worry. It is still a positive card so even in reversed position it is a good sign.

It may tell you to be a little bit more careful with expressing your self-confidence in a subject. Maybe you should ask your dear ones for a reality check.

The Sun in a reversed position tells of some clouds blocking out the warmth for now, but if you set your mind to it, the obstacles can be easily removed.

Your optimism and enthusiasm may be hurt because your path is not as clear as it used to be and you may end up depressed and sad.

Because The Sun is never a negative card, you should know that all this setbacks are only temporary and the sun will shine again.

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A Few of The Sun Card Combinations

  • When The Sun is in combination with The Chariot card, there is great success coming your way and projecting you to a higher social standing.
  • The Sun with The Lovers card tells of a great love that is currently in your life or maybe just around the corner.
  • When The Sun is in a reading with any Ace card, look for some big enhancements in your mastery over a particular area of your life.

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