Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

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What is the Meaning of the Three of Pentacles Tarot Card?

The Suit of Pentacles represents the element of Earth, and indicates the grounded material aspects of work, money, and material possessions.

In the Rider-Waite deck, the Three shows the interaction of a young apprentice with his elders as they discuss architectural plans in a cathedral.

The apprentice is standing slightly above the others, and they are attentive to his words.

The elevated height of the apprentice is artificial, due to standing on a bench, and the attainment of a truly elevated position must yet be earned.

The Three pentagrams above their heads are the “coins” of the suit.

The suit is a Minor Arcana suit and deals with the day-to-day events governed by the laws of human nature, rather than the larger laws of the Universe.

The card foretells the physical realm of life, and it is a favorable sign.

Success in many arenas is close, but one must help oneself. Learning and teamwork is emphasized.

The reversed turn of the card warns against selfishness and jealousy.

three-of-pentaclesThe Upright Three of Pentacles Says Persevere

As the young apprentice strives to gain approval and progress in his trade, so should you.

The card foretells favorable progress is being made. The call is for determination and perseverance.

Stay on your course! Effort will be rewarded.

Heed the picture of the team collaboration and follow the path of learning.

Learning may come from listening to others.

The Card Leads to Climbing the Ladder of Work

Take heed of the conversation of the youth with his elders when you see this card upright.

You must join the team, learn from discussion, and your work related goals will be obtained through joint efforts.

Beware the ignorance of needed skills, and a tendency to go it alone when the card shows in the reverse position.

Three of Pentacles and a Foundation of Love

A positive sign to turn the three for the significance is of a strong relationship building if you are currently involved. A decision to commit or even to marry may be coming any day.

For those seeking love, it foretells a new beginning. A path may soon open up to a completely new love partner. There is a chance of many options in romance, and again the Three shows success, but cautions educating oneself.

Beware of the shadow of jealousy thrown by the reversed card.

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Three of Pentacles and Finances

It is the card of earned rewards, and doesn’t signify a winning lottery ticket. But rewards are forecast, although it is you who must stay the course to reach the goal.

The card says the payoff is within your grasp, but it cautions you must continue to reach for it.

You have made progress recently. Do not despair if the pay-off has not have been received. The material reward is coming.

Meaning of the Three of Pentacles in Health

Health, like wealth, is a goal you can reach. You are doing well and you are learning.

Read more on the issues that confront you, and do not hesitate to consult with the elders, or the doctors, for advice.

You have stepped up in a way towards good health, do not step down, but continue the journey to be your best physical self.

The Three of Pentacles in Reversed Position

Surprisingly enough, this can be favorable if the warnings are heeded. Go with the team, and do not fall into the lower realms of under-cutting your co-workers.

Avoid jealousy in love and work relationships. In finances, it is a time to evaluate your plans and obtain professional help.

Guard your health and listen and pay heed to warning signs such as fatigue or a persistent pain.

The physical is of the importance, and the card tells of possibly temporary or minor issues.

Deal with the signs of ill-health on a quick and daily basis. This is not a card of the spiritual, but of material action.

You are an apprentice in all of life, as the youth in the cathedral, and must strive to put forth the best effort in all aspects.

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The Three of Pentacles in Combination

The Pentacles are known as coins, and more of the same suit showing could foretell an abundance of money headed your way.

The practicality of the Earth element could be washed away by a Water element as emotions take over if a powerful card from the Suit of Cups turns up.

If the Three of Pentacles shows in combination with a card from the Major Arcana suits, you would do well to consider the larger picture.

The three may signal immediate fulfilment coming from your daily work, but the Major Arcana cards can indicate how this work fits into the larger universal order and pattern of your life.

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Additional reading about other tarot card meanings:

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