November 18 Zodiac

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November 18 Zodiac Sign

Were you born on 18th November? People appreciate your consistency in everything you do. You are a dependable individual.

Also, you are quite flexible and dynamic. This means that you can fit in a variety of situation with much ease.

Here is your complete horoscope profile. It gives all the insight you need pertaining to your robust personality.

Read on for enlightenment!

You are under the Scorpio zodiac sign. Your astrological symbol is Scorpio. This symbol appears between 23rd October and 21st November when the Sun is in Scorpio.

The planet Pluto plays an instrumental role in your life. It empowers you with the qualities that we associate with Hades, the god of the Unseen World. These include mystery, secretiveness, and determination.

Your cardinal governing element is Water. This element works alongside Fire, earth, and Air to give your life its full meaning.


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Your Astrological Chart Cusp

November 18 zodiac people are on the Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp. This is the Cusp of Revolution. The planets Pluto and Jupiter rule over the lives of these Cuspers.

Pluto represents your Scorpio side, while Jupiter is in charge of your Sagittarius personality. Each of these two planets adds some value to your life.

For example, Pluto gives you the power of mystery and secretiveness. According to Greek mythology, Pluto is associated with the god Hades. Hades is the god of the Unseen, the Underworld.

He is a secretive character who is prone to aggressiveness. For this reason, you exude these qualities in plenty.

From the planet Jupiter, you receive the optimism that fuels your daily experiences. You are able to influence people positively. As such, you are a source of power and strength to many.

Being on the Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp has empowered you with good money sense. You are able to identify the key areas that you need to put your money in. With patience and practice, you will discover the great skill that you have in this area.


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Love and Compatibility for November 18 Zodiac

November 18 zodiac people are some of the most secretive lovers in the zodiac spectrum. You are keen to hide the more important aspects of your relationship.

Thus, your partner has to keep guessing your next move. This is useful, as it provides the thrill of suspense in the relationship.

You are not one to jump into relationships. You prefer to take your time to understand your partner. As such, courtship is in your second nature.

Dating games play an important role in any relationship. In your case, it enables you to understand the needs of your partner better. Also, you come to know their vision in life before you commit your heart to them.

Also, it provides your partner with the opportunity to appreciate your eccentric personality. Those who engage in courtship are likely to have a happier, more fulfilling long-term relationship.

The more active Scorpio tends to fall in love from a young age. You often fall in love just for the sake of it. While this lifestyle provides you with some form of excitement in your life, it has some glaring shortcomings.

For example, you are likely to suffer much heartbreak in the course of your life. Jumping from one relationship to another is not a simple matter. It is bound to have some serious consequences.

However, this is not to mean that you’ll never settle down. On the contrary, all indicators are that you’ll settle down when you are ready. In fact, you’ll be a supportive spouse and a loving parent.

The stars show that you’ll marry when you meet your ideal partner. You can get such a partner from amongst the Pisces, Cancer, and Taurus.

Your compatibility level with these natives is quite high. This is more so if your partner was born on the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 20th, 21st, 24th, 26th, 28th & 29th.

A word of caution!

The planetary alignment indicates a concern regarding your potential romantic involvement with a Libra. 

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What are the Traits of a Person Born on November 18?

November 18 zodiac people are very industrious. You are driven by the need to bring change in your world.

Being mysterious, you prefer to hold the key reigns of the projects you are involved in. This means that you don’t give out all the plans, but prefer to issue them out piecemeal.

Although some of your colleagues tend to frown on this, it allows you to have the final say on the outcome of the project. You control the key processes and by extension the result.

You are an artistic individual. You appreciate the beauty in the environment, and you are motivated to maintain it. For this reason, you are involved in many artistic endeavors to enrich your community.

People appreciate your loyalty. Your friends and family know that you are willing to go to great lengths to protect their reputation. For this, they are supportive in your endeavors.

However, you have some areas in your life that you need to work on. These weaknesses will put your otherwise good name into disrepute if you don’t deal with them firmly.

For example, you are prone to fits of jealousy when in a relationship. This turns you into a controlling partner. Thus, your partner may not enjoy your input in the relationship.

Also, you allow past mistakes to haunt your present actions. It is important that you let bygones be bygones. Concentrate on the here and now.

All in all, you have much to offer the world. Your kind nature will connect you to the right people. As such, you’ll get all the resources you need to play your part in the great circle of things.


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Famous People who Share the November 18 Birthday

You share the November 18 birthday with a number of personalities from across the globe. Here are five of them:

  • Emperor Konin, born 709 – Japanese emperor
  • Lamoral, born 1522 – Count of Egmont
  • Graham Coughlan, born 1974 – Irish footballer
  • Nathan Kress, born 1992 – American actor
  • Makoto Okunaka, born 1993 – Japanese singer, dancer, and actress

Common Characteristics of People Born on November 18

November 18 zodiac people are in the 3rd decan of Scorpio. You belong to the same category as those born between 13th November and 21st November.

The Moon plays a critical role in your life. This celestial body empowers you with such qualities as nurture, mystery, sensuality, and romance.

People define you by your loving, passionate, and faithful nature. These are what draw people close to you. The good thing is that you tend to attract the right kind of people.

Your birthday stands for cheerfulness, affection, compassion, and great organization. Put these qualities to good use!


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Your Career Horoscope

You can do very well in careers that call for care and patience. You are an eager person, and you are willing to take your time even in the most challenging of situations. Also, you have a calming effect on people.

You are able to soothe them and reassure them that all will be well.

The teaching profession would benefit a lot from your involvement in this field.

Final Thought…

Your magic color is White. For ages, White has been associated with purity. Also, it stands for compassion, possibility, and positivity. White reflects your personality.

Your lucky numbers are 5, 11, 18, 20, 25, 39 & 40.

If you want to uncover what has been encoded in your destiny when you were born, there’s a free, personalized numerology report you can grab here.

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