September 7 Zodiac

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September 7 Zodiac Sign

Were you born on September 7? Then, pay attention! We have compiled this horoscope report for you. It will help you make important decisions concerning your life.

Read on and be enlightened!

You are under the Virgo zodiac sign. Although you are hard to impress, you have a delicate taste. You carry things with the weight they deserve.

Your astrological symbol is the Maiden. This symbol of the virgin lady caters to those born between August 23 and September 22. It stands for such qualities as wisdom, fertility, and purity.

The planet Mercury plays a pivotal role in your life. This celestial body is responsible for your enthusiasm. It also makes you controlling and domineering.

Your cardinal governing element is Earth. This element works closely with Fire, Air, and Water to give your life its complete meaning.

As such, you tend to be very patient with those you consider close to you.

At the same time, you are prone to be harsh to those who seem not to understand you.


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Your Astrological Chart Cusp

September 7 zodiac people are on the Leo-Virgo Astrological Cusp. This is the Cusp of Exposure. The Sun and Mercury rule supreme over this cusp.

The Sun is responsible for your Leo Personality. On the other hand, Mercury rules over Virgo. This interesting mix produces a fascinating influence on your life.

As such, you are quick in making decisions that many others would find laborious.

For example, you are able to discern situations and character quite fast. This arises from you strong observation skills and high level of inquisitiveness. You see, you don’t miss out any details. Thus, you understand what exactly people need to do to attain certain objectives.

Unlike most people, you have a clear view of both the big picture and the smaller, broken-down details. This is important if you intend to create a healthy working balance in life.

You can see challenges long before they erupt. This means that you can proactively provide your community with the solutions they need to avert a catastrophe.

The Cusp of Exposure plays a critical role in your money matters. As such, you gravitate towards all the right fiscal practices. Indeed, you will accumulate considerable wealth in due time.

Your astrological chart indicates that you are prone to over-indulgence. Remember moderation is the key in everything.

Watch your diet, and follow the experts’ advice concerning exercise.


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Love and Compatibility for September 7 Zodiac

September 7 zodiac lovers are some of the most trustworthy people you’ll ever meet. You believe that stability in your relationship equals happiness.

As such, you are willing to sacrifice much to achieve that stability.

For example, you understand that loyalty goes a long way in cementing your union. As such, you will sacrifice passion and freedom to remain loyal to your lover. Of course, this works wonders!

Reliable, sensible, and charming partners have a special place in your heart. You have much in common with such a partner, since they reflect your personality.

This means that a relationship with them will be a wonderful experience.

Being cautious and analytical, you are not one to dive headlong into relationships. Rather, you prefer to start with courtship. This is a good move, as it has many advantages.

For example, it gives you the opportunity to know your partner better before you give them your heart. In the same manner, your partner gets to be in touch with your personality.

As such, your relationship stands a good chance of thriving.

However, the more active Virgo is prone to take a different route. You will fall in love from an early age. This means that you will interact with many partners as you grow.

Now, although this has its merits, the journey is littered with pitfalls and traps.

The frequent change in partners will take a toll on your emotions, as well as those of your partners.

With this in mind, you can act appropriately to prevent such eventualities.

The stars indicate that you will settle when you meet your ideal partner. This is one born under the Pisces, Capricorn, and Taurus zodiacs. You have much in common with these natives.

As such, your relationship with them will be healthy. This is more so if your partner was born on the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 20th, 23rd, 24th & 31st.

A word of caution!

The planetary alignment shows that you are less compatible with a partner born under the Leo zodiac. You need to be careful if you embark on the journey to still make these relationships work.

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What are the Traits of a Person Born on September 7?

September 7 zodiac people are some of the most faithful individuals on earth. You know that your word is your bond. As such, rarely do you break a promise.

Being highly observant, you notice everything that goes on in your environment. This is a boost to the safety of your loved ones and the security of your community.

You have a great sense of duty. You are not one to fail in responsibility. If anything, you prefer to surround yourself with like-minded people to help you achieve your goals.

People appreciate the fact that you handle them with respect. This has won you many admirers in your society and beyond. This catalyst will definitely cement your success.

However, you have a few flaws in your personality that you need to handle with urgency. These failings will mar your good reputation if you do not handle them firmly.

For example, you tend to be too much of a people pleaser. You do not want to be antagonistic with anyone. Now, this cannot work all the time. Be ready to rub people the wrong way for the sake of progress.

Also, you worry too much. This is bound to compromise your effectiveness. It is a waste of good energy. Channel it more constructively.

All in all, you are on the right path to success. Be true to your values and things will work out well. Ensure to lead from the front. This will give you the influence you need to change your society.


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Famous People who Share the September 7 Birthday

You share the September 7 birthday with many prominent people from around the world. Here are five of them:

  • Gian Maria Visconti, born 1388 – Italian son of Gian Galeazzo Visconti
  • Louis II, born 1438 – Landgrave of Lower Hesse
  • Dianne Hayter, born 1949 – German-English politician
  • George Williams, born 1995 – Welsh footballer
  • Michelle Creber, born 1999 – Canadian actress, singer, and dancer

Common Characteristics of People Born on September 7

September 7 zodiac people are in the 2nd decan of Virgo. You are in the same category as those born between September 3 and September 13.

The planet Saturn plays an instrumental role in this decan. Thus, you exhibit the more outstanding characteristics of this celestial body.

For example, you are realistic, analytical, as well as trustworthy. These are the more positive qualities of Virgo.

You have a keen understanding of how the world runs. As such, you know what needs to be done to make things better. This is not a common gift. However, do not let this get into your head.

The September 7 birthday stands for consciousness, thoughtfulness, and spirituality. These are the stepping-stones to your next level. Use them wisely!


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Your Career Horoscope

You can be very good at making policy. This means that you can work with the government, corporations, and NGOs.

Your ability to come up with policy guidelines and policy statements will be a big boost to these fields. Also, it will be a good way of utilizing your idealistic mind.

Final Thought…

Floral White is the magic of people born on September 7. This is the color of purpose, power, ideals, and purity. Such is your personality!

Your lucky numbers are 1, 7, 13, 20, 40, 55 & 93.

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