December 19 Zodiac

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December 19 Zodiac Sign

Have you ever wondered why people consider you creative, witty, mysterious, as well as reliable? It’s because you were born on December 19th!

And, that’s not all. People like being in your company for you have a lot to offer them. Your intelligence has served you well in such situations.

Here’s your complete horoscope profile. Read on to get in touch with your complete horoscope profile. It is s good guide in decision-making.

You are under the Sagittarius zodiac sign. This is the 9th sign in the zodiac spectrum. Your astrological symbol is the Archer.

This symbol occurs between November 22nd and December 21st when the Sun is over the Sagittarius.

Jupiter is the planet of the king of gods, Zeus. As such, Zeus has a palpable influence on your life. Just like this celestial being, you exude such stellar qualities as philosophy, assertiveness, and authoritativeness.

The element Fire plays a crucial role in your life. It works in close coordination with the other elements (Earth, Water, and Air) to give your life more engaging experiences.

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Your Astrological Chart Cusp

December 19 zodiac people are on the Sagittarius-Capricorn Cusp. We refer to this as the Cusp of Prophecy.

Two strong planets, Jupiter and Saturn, play a crucial role in the lives of these cuspers. For example, for the planet Pluto, you receive such qualities as loyalty, care, sociability, and secretiveness.

Saturn, on the other hand, gives you such qualities as optimism, creativity, courage, and focus. We these qualities, you have all you need to progress in your studies and career.

The Cusp of Prophecy plays an important role in your financial matters. You have the drive you need to excel in any money-generating venture.

This means that your family will enjoy financial stability and security through your efforts.

Your astrological chart indicates that your health is fine. However, be on the lookout for possible infections targeting your thighs, liver, hips, and abdomen.

As a rule, Sagittarius people are prone to such injuries.

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Love and Compatibility for December 19 Zodiac Zodiac

December 19 zodiac lovers are driven by the need to create a lasting impression on their partner. You will do everything within your power to ensure that your lover remains interested in what you have to offer.

You are very ambitious in matters of love. As such, you set very high standards for yourself. You are not one to settle for just any partner that happens in your life.

Of course, getting the kind of partner you yearn for is not always easy.

This means that you are willing to wait until the opportune time. You tend to spend your time grooming the other aspects of your life before you decide to settle in marriage.

In particular, you’ll spend your time and resources trying to perfect your studies and to advance your career.

Thus, you are quite accomplished by the time you settle in marriage. You’ll be able to concentrate more on your family.

You will give your support to your spouse, who’ll proceed to achieve their dreams.

Also, your children will thrive under your care.

You have a soft spot for reliable, committed, and trustworthy partners. Your personality resonates quite well with theirs. As such, you are willing to offer them unconditional love and support.

Your ideal partner is one born under the Gemini, Aries, and Leo zodiacs. You operate from the same emotional platform as these natives.

This means that you can establish a very stable relationship with them. This is more so if your lover was born on the 2nd, 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 17th, 19th, 21st, 27th & 28th.

A word of caution!

A close look at the planetary alignment shows that you are not compatible with a Scorpio.

As such, it would be futile for you to attempt a union with them. Such an affair would not see any good times.

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What are the Traits of a Person Born on December 19 Zodiac?

December 19 zodiac people are highly inspirational. This stems from the fact that you are very optimistic. People see you as a symbol of hope.

Being charming and seductive, you exude a magnetism that few can resist. People find it easy to keep your company.

You know your cards well, and you know how to play them. This means that you end up doing the right things most of the time. You achieve your objectives way before your stipulated schedule.

Those born on December 19 are keen on matters of justice. You have the ability to discern right from wrong. Also, you are a big proponent of the rule of the law.

You are not one to stand by as some people trample on the rights of the less privileged.

People find it easy to trust you. The fact that you respect all who you meet goes a long way in enhancing your good reputation.

All the same, you have a couple of areas that you need to work on. These weaknesses will pull you down if you don’t handle them expediently.

For example, you rarely accept when you are wrong. Believe me; all humans err. It’s best that you learn from your mistakes and create experiences for today.

Also, you get frustrated quite easily when you don’t achieve your goals on time. Remember, each loss is a lost battle. You still have the war to win. Don’t give up.

All in all, you have the resources you need to achieve all your goals. Continue with being persistent, generous, and kind natured. This is your key to success!

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Famous People who Share the December 19 Zodiac Birthday

A number of famous people were born on December 19th. Here are five such people:

  • Philip William, born 1554 – Prince of Orange
  • Dorothea Sophia, born 1587 – Abbess of Quedlinburg
  • Iman Ali, born 1970 – Pakistani model an actress
  • Isaiah Koech, born 1993 – Kenyan runner
  • M’Baye Niang, born 1994 – French footballer

Common Characteristics of People Born on December 19 Zodiac

Those born on 19 December are in the 3rd decan of Sagittarius. You are in the same group as people born between 13th December and 21st December.

The Sun plays the supervisory role in this decan. From this fiery Sun, you receive such qualities as hard work, intuition, loyalty, and pride. These are the stronger characteristics of Sagittarius.

People define you by your innate sense of responsibility. You are not one to shack your responsibility. You like being involved in the execution of communal projects.

Your birthday stands for originality, power, charm, independence, and competition. Use these qualities well.

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Your Career Horoscope

You are very dedicated to any assignment that comes your way. You have a positive disposition towards life. As such, you are a great influence on others.

This means that you can do very well in jobs involving people. These include sales, PR, public speaking, and life coaching.

Final Thought…

Your magic color is Gray. Some people perceive it as a conservative color. The truth is that it is highly influential… just as your personality is!

Your lucky numbers are 2, 19, 22, 36, 48, 59 & 61.

P.S. If you want to uncover what has been encoded in your destiny when you were born, there’s a free, personalized numerology report you can grab here.

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