March 18 Zodiac

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March 18 Zodiac Sign

If you were born on March 18, you have a lot going for you. You are important to the world. You have much power in you to make things happen.

However, you sometimes do not realize this. You often perceive yourself based on what others say. As such, you fail to create the right goals for yourself.

Here is your full horoscope profile to help you understand your personality better. Read on and be enlightened!

Your zodiac sign is Pisces. Your astrological symbol is Fish. This symbol of twin Fishes caters to those born between February 19 and March 20. It enables you to be intuitive, determined, and empathetic.

The planet Neptune plays a central role in your life. As such, your personality radiates integrity, courtesy, and patience.

The chief governing element in your life is Water. This element works closely with Earth, Fire, and Air to add value to your life.

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Your Astrological Chart Cusp

March 18 zodiac people are on the Pisces-Aries Cusp. We call this the Cusp of Rebirth. Two planets, Neptune and Mars, rule over this cusp.

The Water sign (Pisces) provides you with empathy and patience. On the other hand, the Fire sign (Aries) enables you to be energetic and courageous.

You have well-grounded ideas on how to save the world. Your ideas are unique, and many people like listening to you expound them. But, do not be disappointed when some do not agree with you.

The Cusp of Rebirth has empowered you to take control of your finances. You prefer to use your resources to better the lives of others.

Your astrological chart shows that your health is good. However, you need to get enough sleep at all times. Accidents may happen when you do not do this.

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Love and Compatibility for March 18 Zodiac

March 18 zodiac lovers are very versatile. You are quite enthusiastic and energetic when it comes to winning the hearts of your admirers. This is more so when you meet a new partner.

You are attracted to energetic, sensual, and mysterious partners. These kinds of people can appreciate your eccentric lifestyle. Since you are intuitive, you are able to spot them and draw them closer to you.

At times, you have challenges expressing your personality. People may misinterpret this for stubbornness or rudeness. You can mitigate this by developing real links with your acquaintances.

Although you sometimes appear complicated, you are actually a simple person. You will turn out quite okay as a family person. You will provide the care and protection that your family needs.

Your ideal partner is somebody who mirrors your attributes. You can find such a lover amongst the Taurus, Cancer, and Scorpio.

You share plenty with people born under these zodiacs. As such, you can establish a firm relationship with them. This is more so if they were born on the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 13th, 15th, 16th, 20th, 21st, 24th, 26th & 30th.

Warning! The planetary alignments indicate that you are least compatible with a person born under the Aquarius zodiac. The truth is, you have nothing in common with people born under this sign.

This means that a relationship with them will not take the direction you desire. If anything, it is a recipe for disaster.

Consider yourself warned!

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What are the Traits of a Person Born on March 18?

March 18 zodiac people are devoted to their chosen causes. They strongly hold to their principles, and will rarely be compromised.

You are sensitive. You throw all care to the wind when you find something that you can indulge in for enjoyment. This carefree attitude has won you a number of loyal friends. They admire your life, and they would want some of it to rub off them.

You are idealistic. Your biggest desire is to save the world. Fortunately, you have the resources to put most of your ideas into action.

You are caring, optimistic, progressive, energetic, and generous. This sets you apart as a humanitarian. Your happiest moments are when you are touching the lives of the less privileged.

You tend to be rather adventurous and reckless as a youth. However, this will change as you advance in years. You become more mature, confident, and wise.

As such, you are able to contribute meaningfully to the needs of your community.

However, you have a few personality flaws that you need to work on. If left unchecked, these weaknesses have the potential to stifle your growth.

For example, you have a sense of low self-worth. Your lack of confidence will get in the way of your social and professional progress. It is something you need to address with urgency.

Also, you are sometimes indecisive. You find it hard to make important decisions. You know what this means? Yes, you can lose very important opportunities in your life.

All in all, the world expects much from you. Of course, by now you know this. Take care of your needs so that you can meet those of the world. Be well-positioned to take care of the world.

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Famous People who Share the March 18 Birthday

You share the March 18 birthday with a number of famous people. Here are five of them:

  • John Holland, born 1395 – 2nd Duke of Exeter and English commander
  • Mary Tudor, born 1496 – Queen of France
  • Ase Kleveland, born 1949 – Norwegian singer and politician
  • Ryan Truex, born 1992 – American race car driver
  • Maziah Mahusin, born 1993 – Bruneian hurdler

Common Characteristics of People Born on March 18

March 18 zodiac people are in the 3rd decan of Pisces. This decan belongs to people born between March 11 and March 20.

The planet Pluto plays a major role in this decan. It enables the natives to be creative, focused, and idealistic. This means that you exhibit the stronger characteristics of Pisces.

You are innately idealistic, especially when it comes to issues of emotions. You treat people respectfully, and they are keen to reciprocate this. You are good at elevating the self-worth of others.

Don’t you think you need to work on yours, too?

You have a very loyal entourage of acquaintances. They follow you because you make them feel comfortable about their environment.

Your birthday is synonymous with cheerfulness, organization, imagination, affection, and compassion. Use these qualities wisely to advance your humanitarian agenda.

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Your Career Horoscope

March 18 zodiac people are very patient and compassionate. As such, you are best suited for jobs that involve caring and nurturing. You do well where you are expected to take care of invalids and patients.

Your talents can be very useful in nursing, psychology, psychiatry, and such other related medical fields.

As a counselor, you have a way of getting people to trust you. You are able to allay their suspicions and get them to trust you.

They are able to open up, and you can reach out to assist them.

Your kind of talent is not common. However, you can easily compromise it by your lack of focus. You are unable to remain resolute in the pursuit of your goals.

People often entangle you in their dramas, and you forget your own objectives.

For this reason, many people born on March 18 tend to move through life rather mechanically. This is not good for your career progression.

You need to do something about it unless you want to remain stuck at the bottom. A little bit of drive and focus will do the trick!

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Final Thought…

Light Coral is the magic color of people born on March 18. Light Coral is an amazingly beautiful color. It is the color of optimism. It imparts hope.

Such is your personality! Use your strong qualities to radiate brilliance to the world around you.

Your lucky numbers are 1, 2, 4, 14, 22, 45 & 54.

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