November 12 Zodiac

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November 12 Zodiac Sign

Those born on November 12th pay much attention to what goes on in their environment. Your intelligence and enhanced observation skills are an important part of who you are.

Your inquisitiveness leads you to new experiences. You enjoy traveling to gather knowledge. Also, you prefer to surround yourself with dynamic people rather than the boring ones.

We have compiled this horoscope report for you. It provides you with critical details regarding your versatile personality. Read on for guidance.

You are under the 8th sign of the zodiac, the Scorpio. Your astrological symbol is the Scorpion. This symbol caters to people born between 23rd October and 21st November. During this period, the Sun is in Scorpio.

Pluto is the planet of the god Hades. This planet empowers you with the traits of this celestial being. For example, you are secretive, mysterious, aggressive, and determined.

Your principal governing element is Water. This element coordinates closely with the other elements (Fire, Erath, and Air) to enrich the experiences in your life.


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Your Astrological Chart Cusp

November 12 zodiac people are on the Scorpio-Sagittarius Astrological Cusp. This is the Cusp of Revolution.

The planets Pluto and Jupiter rule over the lives of these Cuspers. Pluto governs your Scorpio personality, while Jupiter is in charge of Sagittarius. Each of these celestial bodies has a significant impact on your life.

For example, Pluto gives you a definitive approach to life. This is the planet of death and rebirth. It gives you the ability to struggle for what you believe in. You have the capacity to rectify wrongs meted against you or society.

On the other hand, Jupiter is responsible for your optimistic attitude in life. It inspires you to see the best in everything. As such, you are a beacon of hope for many in the community.

The blend of these planets adds an interesting aspect to your personality. You have a sharp mind when it comes to solving mysteries and working out puzzles in life. You take time to analyze a scenario critically. Thus, your deductions are rarely wrong.

The Cusp of Revolution plays an important role in your finances. As such, you are not afraid to take risks. You’ll lose some investments before you get the hang of things. But, you’ll be able to provide security for your loved ones.

Your health is okay. However, take better care of your arteries, genitals, and bladder. As a rule, Scorpios are prone to injuries in these parts of their bodies.


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Love and Compatibility for November 12 Zodiac

November 12 zodiac lovers are very sensual. You understand the language of love, and you don’t find it a challenge to convey your feelings.

However, your romantic feelings are not so obvious. You have a strong mysterious streak to your personality. As such, you tend to be quite unpredictable.

Oftentimes, your lover has to guess your next move. They rarely know what you’ll say or behave in a given situation.

Now, this is not a bad thing. It kills the monotony that comes with being predictable. It provides your relationship with the thrill it needs to thrive.

Another reason why you tend to be mysterious is emotional. You fear that the more exposure you get, the more vulnerable you become. Being sensitive, you are afraid of appearing weak and being ridiculed.

Of course, it is good to be cautious. However, do not be too guarded as to curtail your own enjoyment of love life.

The more reserved Scorpio tends to be shy and unaggressive. You’d rather suffer unrequited love than expose your true feelings to your beloved. While this is partly due to nature, it could be due to your upbringing.

Our culture has a big impact on the way we react to our environment. However, just know this: speaking your mind will serve you better than keeping mum. Speak out and let your beloved know what you are thinking!

When the creative Scorpio decides to settle in marriage, their nurturing personality comes to the fore. You’ll give your family all the attention they need. Your spouse and brilliant children will thrive under your keen guidance.

The stars indicate that your perfect match is one born under the Pisces, Cancer, and Taurus zodiac signs. You are complimentary with these natives.

This means that your relationship with them will be stable as well as dependable. This is more so if they were born on the 3rd, 5th, 9th, 12th, 13th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 25th, 27th, 29th, & 30th.

A word of caution!

As per the arrangement of the planets, you should be careful when it comes to becoming romantically involved with a Libra…

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What are the Traits of a Person Born on November 12?

People born on November 12 are conscious about their environment. You are acutely aware of what is, and what is not.

This means that people can depend on you for guidance. You tend to know when things are right and when they are not.

Leadership runs through your veins. As such, you are happiest when you are in charge of projects. Of course, you understand that you can’t achieve everything on your own. Thus, you try to incorporate as many people in your plans as you can.

You place a high premium on privacy. This stems from the fact that you are mysterious by nature. As such, you don’t give out the key elements of any project.

You believe in holding the most important cards close your chest. Granted, this has its benefits. For example, it enables you to determine the outcome of your projects.

All the same, you have a few areas that you need to work on. These areas will impede your progress if you don’t handle them as early as possible.

For example, you tend to cling to the past. It doesn’t matter if it was glorious or a complete letdown. Just let your past be. Don’t drag it into the present. It will only blur your focus.

Also, you are too trusting. This may set you up for problems. Let people earn your trust. Don’t take it for granted that everyone wishes you well.

All in all, you are destined for greatness. However, prioritize your feelings over the feelings of others. Don’t hang around people who make you feel unimportant. Believe me; you matter, and the world needs you.

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Famous People who Share the November 12 Birthday

You share the November 12 birthday with a number of famous personalities from around the globe. Here are five of them:

  • Qi Jiguang, born 1528 – Chinese general
  • Claude, born 1547 – Count of Valois
  • Miroslaw Szymkowiak, born 1976 – polish footballer
  • Luguelin Santos, born 1993 – Dominican sprinter
  • Anna Khnychenkova, born 1994 – Ukrainian figure skater

Common Characteristics of People Born on November 12

November 12 zodiac people are in the 2nd decan of Scorpio. You are in the same category as people born between November 3rd and November 12th.

The planet Neptune controls this decan. As such, you display the better characteristics of Scorpio. For example, you are sensual, determined, mysterious, and ambitious.

Your passion and sincerity endear you to many people. They seek your opinion regarding a number of issues, especially where a controversy is involved. They have come to rely on your lack of presence. You say things as you genuinely see them.

Your birthday stands for logic, good communication, realism, and eloquence. Put these to good use!

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Your Career Horoscope

You have a soft spot for the arts. Your creative juices can serve you very well in this field. Here, we are talking about activities that involve painting, sculpting, acting, singing, and writing.

The good news is that you don’t do this just for the monetary gain. It gives you a sense of accomplishment. The more you do it, the more you recreate yourself.

Final Thought…

Blue is the magic color of people born on November 12. This is the color of strength, sincerity, and purity. In the environment, we associate blue with oxygen and life. This color reflects your personality.

Your lucky numbers are 4, 10, 12, 48, 58, 61 & 87.

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