Two of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

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What is the Meaning of the Two of Cups Tarot Card?

The Two of Cups is very similar to The Lovers from the Major Arcana, but to a much lesser degree.

This card also depicts a man and a woman, facing each other and holding one golden chalice each.

This card can represent a budding romantic relationship, friendship, or a strong familial bond.

The Two of Cups will rarely represent one person, so when it shows up in your readings it’s telling you to examine your romantic and platonic relationships.

The Two of Cups can also signify balance, as the card is showing us symmetry between the male and female it features.

two-of-cups-tarotThe Upright Two of Cups Meaning

The Two of Cups is one of the very few cards within the tarot that has an overall positive meaning in each position.

In a past position it indicates an old relationship that was loving, accepting, and on the surface perfect.

While it’s now changed, or even ended, it has left you with some valuable life lessons that have ultimately helped you to become better at forming lasting bonds with others.

The Two of Cups in a present position signifies the beginning of a new bond or the repairing of an old one.

If this card should appear in your present position, don’t be surprised if you find an old lover or estranged family member contacting you out of the blue.

This is a good sign that reconciliation is possible and to pursue it to the best of your ability.

A future position occupied by this card is an incredibly positive outcome.

With the Two of Cups in your future, dare to be bold in your relationships and taking action to bring them to the next level.

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Work and the Two of Cups

Does it seem like a colleague has suddenly taken more of an interest in you?

If so, the Two of Cups says to go for it. When this card appears in a work related spread, it is telling you that there is potential to make a strong, everlasting bond with someone at work.

It doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship either.

If you’re invited for lunch or an after hours get together, say yes. Now is the best time for you to make lifelong connections within your career.

Love and the Two of Cups

The Two of Cups in a relationship-oriented spread is a good sign. If you are single, this card is telling you to pay more attention to the people you already know.

There is potential for a wonderful relationship sitting right in front of your eyes.

For the already attached lover, the Two of Cups means something big will be happening in your relationship in a positive way. Now is the perfect time for you to take your relationship to the next level.

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Two of Cups and Finances

In a spread for financial clarity, the Two of Cups presents a balance of funds. It is telling you to maintain. Frivolous spending is not a good idea at this time, nor is making risky investments or business deals.

Meaning of the Two of Cups in Health

When you’re reading for insight to your health, the Two of Cups signifies that your support system is going to be what helps you the most.

It says that you will bounce back, but it’s wise to take the help that is offered for a speedy recovery.

The Two of Cups in a reading specifically about mental health is a sign that you should consider therapy in order to manage your mental and emotional health.

The Two of Cups in Reversed Position

If you’ve been allowing other people to come first before you’re taken care of, it’s no surprise that the Two of Cups would show up in the reverse.

As with most of the Cups suit, a reversal of this card means that you are not in control of yourself emotionally.

However, this being the Two of Cups makes it about another person or people. You’re allowed to make sure your loved ones are taken care of, but you can’t sacrifice yourself in order to do so.

When the Two of Cups shows in your reading in the reverse, it’s telling you to put your needs first once in awhile. It’s okay to be a little selfish for your own peace of mind.

In this position the Two of Cups may also signify a lack of communication in your personal relationships that could have unfortunate results.

This is a strong suggestion that you find a way to open up the lines of communication and learn to be more honest and direct with your thoughts and feelings.

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Two of Cups Combinations

When the Two of Cups appears in tandem with The Fool it points to “love at first sight”. This is a big sign that unexpected love is right around the corner.

If the Five of Wands shows in the same reading as the Two of Cups, it is pointing at a rift in a platonic relationship and is a warning that bridges will be burned if the issue at hand is not dealt with quickly.

Keep the line of communication open and honest.

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