Page of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

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What is the Meaning of the Page of Swords Tarot Card?

In traditional tarot, the Page of Swords is represented by a young man atop a hill, grasping a silver sword in both his hands.

Like the other Page cards of the Minor Arcana, he is still learning and growing.

Often he represents an actual young person in your life.

The Page of Swords stands for truth and justice, as well as open and honest communication.

He is likely to appear to those who are struggling between telling the truth and sparing someone’s feelings, or those who are having a hard time verbally expressing their emotions.

page-of-swords-tarotThe Upright Page of Swords Meaning

The position of the Page of Swords in your spread is important in understanding the message he is trying to send you.

You’ll want to consider the question being asked and the other cards that appear along with him to know how to best interpret his presence.

In your past position, the Page of Swords means that your current situation stems from your personal integrity in the past.

More specifically, he is representing a time where it was up to your personal testimony to influence a past event.

Depending on your current situation, it could mean that you told the truth or that you withheld information.

In this instance, the other cards in your spread will help you to determine if your past actions were positive or negative.

The Page of Swords in your present position says that your current situation has you stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Regardless of the details, he is telling you to be honest, even if it temporarily costs you your reputation.

The future position revealing the Page of Swords indicates a physical person coming into your life.

In this position, the other cards in your spread and the question you’ve asked the tarot to answer are going to help determine who this person may be.

They will be young, or young at heart. If you’ve been considering expanding your family, this could be a sign that pregnancy is coming soon.

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Work and the Page of Swords

The Page of Swords in your career spread is a good sign that it’s time to jump at a new opportunity. If you’re currently employed, you can expect some conflict at work, if it hasn’t already happened.

If you’ve been considering a career change, now is the right time for you to take the first offer that suits your needs.

If you are searching for work, the Page of Swords says that you need to practice a little humility in your interviews. Let your experience speak for itself and you’ll soon find the position that’s right for you.

Love and the Page of Swords

Should you find the Page of Swords in your relationship spread, it’s time to prepare for some conflict.

If you’re already attached, this means that a rough patch with your partner is likely.

It’s important for you to know when to push and when to back off in order to avoid an even bigger argument.

Allowing each other to have some space is often crucial for the health of your relationship.

For those looking for love, this is a good time for you to be going out and meeting new people.

You’ll want to avoid those whose lifestyles are drastically different from your own, as this will be the source of a lot of frustration in the future and doesn’t bode well for your romantic future.

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The Page of Swords and Finances

If you find the Page of Swords in your financial reading, it means that now is a bad time to enter into any contracts or deals that require payment over an extended period of time.

Make all of your purchases in full, otherwise you’ll find yourself in financial trouble down the road.

Meaning of the Page of Swords in Health

When the Page of Swords appears in your health oriented spread, it means that you are pushing yourself too much.

Overexertion can lead to a wide variety of health issues, so if you’ve been feeling a bit under the weather, that’s most likely the culprit. Give yourself some downtime and you’re sure to see an improvement.

The Page of Swords in Reversed Position

When shown in the reverse, the Page of Swords serves as a reminder that life is full of unexpected events that are completely out of your control.

The Page is likely to appear to you this way when you’re blaming yourself for the things life throws at you.

It’s important to remind yourself that you couldn’t possibly have prepared for a situation that presented no warning signs or red flags prior to its arrival.

Work through things one step at a time instead of overwhelming yourself by trying to fix it all in one shot.

You can overcome these events, but you’re not going to be very useful if you’re stuck panicking instead of taking action.

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Page of Swords Combinations

When the Page of Swords appears in combination with Strength, it means that there’s someone that you’ve recently stopped speaking to. It’s likely that this is a past lover or close friend.

This pair says that you have the willpower necessary to keep them at a distance. Remember the reason they’re in your past and remember to hold your tongue.

P.S. If you want to uncover what has been encoded in your destiny when you were born, there’s a free, personalized numerology report you can grab here.

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